Dynamic IDX, LLC

Be the Boss of your website

Posted By: Mark Fitzgerald In: Development
Date: Tue, Apr 23rd 2024 3:08 pm

Be the boss of your website by taking control of your content and listings. Our system gives you the control to add more information to your listing, including more images, videos, and text, such as sales commissions that are no longer available in the MLS IDX Feed.

The recent NAR lawsuit settlement has significant implications for realtors, particularly regarding the transparency of sales commissions. Now more than ever, Realtors need a way to represent their business through their own personal website.

With the settlement potentially eliminating the standard 6% commission, realtors will need to communicate their commission rates. A personal website allows realtors to display their fees openly, aligning with the new transparency expectations.
As buyers gain the ability to negotiate fees, realtors with transparent pricing on their websites may have a competitive edge. It demonstrates upfront honesty and can build trust with potential clients.

The settlement requires buyer’s agents to have written agreements with clients. Realtors can use their websites to explain their services and fees, providing templates or even digital signing options for these agreements.

A personal website serves as a platform for realtors to market their brands and listings. It’s a space to showcase their expertise, services, and success stories, which is vital in an increasingly competitive market.

A Personal Real Estate Website allows realtors to communicate directly with clients and prospects without intermediaries. This direct line can be crucial for explaining commission structures and their value to the transaction.

Realtors can use their website to educate sellers and buyers about the changing landscape of real estate commissions. This positions the realtor as a knowledgeable professional who is up-to-date with industry changes.
As the industry adapts to the settlement, having a website where realtors can quickly update their commission structures ensures they remain compliant with any new regulations.

With Dynamic IDX, you can personalize your listings and add extra images, videos, and text. You can add more information, such as sales commissions, now that this information is no longer in the MLS IDX feeds. We have the solution to this. Let us help you get ahead of the pack.